We’re building the starting point for the best African real estate decisions.

Our products help institutional investors, governments, developers, contractors and individuals understand the real estate market and execute property investments with conviction.


We help property investors beat their competition using Africa’s largest database of historic property prices, vacancy rates, and project team data.

Collecting and updating real estate data in:









The eiDatabank tracks:


housing units


of office space


of retail space


of industrial space


hotel keys

We also track Healthcare and Data-centres.

Smarter Property Investing Decisions.

Make your next property development or investment decision with the following:

  • Ready-Made Reports: Explore our library here.
  • Tailored Reports: Speak with our Capital Advisors Team to discuss your needs and see how the eiDatabank can answer your research questions.
  • Datasets from the eiDatabank: Frequently updated Rental, Sale Price, Comparable and other data to help you understand the market yourself.
  • Project Execution Assistance: Using detailed knowledge and track record of participants, select the very best contractors, financiers, architects, project managers and more.
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Find Ongoing Projects or Advertise.

Sell your real estate/construction project, service or product with these tools:

  • Purchase Project Reports: PDFs and Excel spreadsheets showing projects added to the eiDatabank.
  • Purchase Project Reports
  • Advertising: Ensure your business or real estate project gains exceptional visibility on a platform catering to Africa’s most astute real estate professionals.
  • View our Ad Rate Card

Access Real Estate Data APIs.

Empower your applications with our comprehensive APIs, delivering real-time access to real estate data.

Sign up to a developer account here to get an API key to access data points like rental and sale prices, yields, market growth rate and more.

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Our Values

As we grow, it is important to stay true to the values that allow us to make the best decisions.

Acting swiftly and decisively to meet our goals and customer needs.

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Looking to join our team? Any open roles at Estate Intel will be listed below.

There are currently no open roles at the moment, please send speculative applications to people@estateintel.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got any more questions? Reach out research@estateintel.com.

Estate Intel is a one-stop source for real estate and construction data across African cities.